Sunday, October 19, 2008


A question that I have been asked frequently in the last month is if/when Lucas and I plan on having kids. Just to set the record straight, if all goes according to plan, it will be several years. I am not at all anxious to begin that phase of our lives...I am much too selfish to be ready for kids.

That doesn't mean, though, that I don't enjoy hanging out with other people's kids. Today, for instance, we spent an enjoyable afternoon at the pumpkin farm down the road from our house with Luc's family and the Keens. Normally I try not to mention too many people's names on my blog for the sake of keeping favoritism to a minimum, but I figured the photos would give it away anyway. The Keens are some of our favorite people to hang out with, and I find Maggie hilarious, but she is usually in bed when we hang out with them, so we had a blast listening to her almost-2-year-old chatter. Our niece is also almost 2, but talks less and sings songs.

The funny thing about this outing is that if you know Lucas very well you know that he does not want to have a daughter. He grew up with a brother, so he doesn't know any better. But he loves hanging out with Keira (niece). And today it was Maggie and Keira. Two little pumpkins running around the pumpkin farm. It was so cute...and then they went home with their parents and I blogged about it. Ah, the way life is meant to be.

Keira and Uncle Luc (she calls him Uncloo)


Keira and Aunt Charissa (my name is Ga-witsa!--
yes, she pronounces it with the exclamation point)

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Yeah, that's my niece in the red Ralph Lauren jump suit that snooty Grandma got her. Where are the dragon t-shirts?!