Friday, June 27, 2008


I have been sleeping in the same bed since I was 13. No joke. It is a wooden framed daybed, and I have grown quite fond of it. The mattress is probably conformed to the shape of my body by now, and the springs are a little squeaky, but at the end of a long day or after being away, there is nothing like sinking into my squeaky little bed.

I sleep on my stomach. It's really the only way to sleep. And I am a heavy sleeper. Once I am out, I am out. My phone has rung in the middle of the night, right next to my head, and I don't hear it. Thunderstorms? Nope. Not even the air conditioner which runs right outside my window can keep me awake.

I was thinking about my sleeping habits because the days are growing shorter until I am a married woman, and sleeping seems like a big thing to work out. I have to sleep under the covers, usually pulled up around my head, even in the middle of the summer, which means that then there has to be a fan running. Ceiling fans are preferred, but when lacking, a circulating floor fan will do. I cannot sleep under the covers during the day, no matter how cold it is--if I nap during the winter, I sleep on top of my covers with a different blanket over me. I find that I can't get into bed at night if it hasn't been made in the morning.

Lucas thinks some of these things are ridiculous. But I have been doing them for 25 do you break 25-year habits? I guess I will find out soon enough. But still...I've been wondering how many of my idiosyncrasies will have to go 79 days from now.


Lucas said...

All I'm saying is that, we both not going to fit in that bed.

Unknown said...

sounds like you guys will never get over your very serious problems.

Anonymous said...

At least you aren't afflicted with the "I can't fall asleep unless the top sheet and blanket are even across the bed from right to left and everything is tucked in snugly at the foot" syndrome. (Or perhaps you are!?) My husband-to-be will then know for 100% certain that I'm certifiable (but he'll love me anyway ,,, right?)

Tyler said...

You'll find that adjusting sleeping habits isn't so bad. When it comes right down to it, your body will be too tired to care if the blankets are in the right spot or if the fan is on.

A few years back I had an umbilical hernia which required out-patient surgery and also left me unable to sleep on my stomach. The first few nights were slightly uncomfortable having to fall asleep and remain on my back all through the night, but in no time at all I got used to it AND I also noticed I experienced less back pain.

Hopefully you get used to it quick...:) You should start practicing now!

Samantha said...

The sleeping thing will work itself out. . .but I feel you on the covers thing. I feel the same way about napping with a separate blanket and also about having covers no matter what time of year. Maybe its a girl thing. If you think you have changes to make now though, wait until you are pregnant. . .nothing screws with the way you want to sleep more! Overall, if you ask me, Lucas is the crazy one.

Miranda said...

yeah, I'm with you. I've had the same pillow since I was 8. I even took it to Ireland with me last summer. My sister laughed at me because I put it in my carry-on, just in case my luggage got lost or something.

I guess working out the idiosyncracies of living together is one of the unspoken things of marriage. You have fun with that!