Wednesday, January 31, 2007

embarrassing things...

Before I get to embarrassing is my sister's 23rd birthday. Happy birthday, Beckers!

OK, so I hate having car problems of any sort, because I am so clueless about what is happening. But for me, the worst is running out of gas. I mean it. I feel like people must think you're a complete idiot to run out of gas. I've only done it once...before today. The last time was when I was in college, working at the camp. I was driving (to the gas station, mind you!) in Chatham in the worst thunderstorm of the year, pouring rain, and my car just died. I managed to get it to the side of the road, but I was stuck. I did not have a cell phone. And even if I did, I knew that my parents weren't home to come get me. So what did I do? The most genius thing anyone can do. I got out of my car in the pouring rain and just started walking toward my house. I was soaked in about 2 seconds. After about a minute, a guy in a truck pulled over and asked if I needed a ride. So I took him up on his offer--genius--got a ride home, called a friend to bring me a gas can and take me to my car.

So though this is a bit of a ridiculous scenario (yes, I AM the smartest person I know), it was at least in the summer. But is 13 degrees; the wind chill is zero. I left the house I teach piano lessons at on Wednesday mornings and literally drove about twenty feet before my car died. Again, I was planning on going to the gas station immediately after I left, but I didn't make it. So I had to go back to Joe and Becky's house and see if they had a gas can, which, luckily they did. But I still feel like a moron for letting that happen. And it's REALLY stinking cold outside!! So that didn't help.

But I'm fine now. I haven't been able to take my coat off yet, even though I'm in the office, because the cold is lodged deep inside my marrow at the moment. I'm praying that winter ends soon...

Monday, January 29, 2007


...I am becoming totally lame. While I don't actually believe that is true, it appears to be true based on my recent blog posts.

Do you remember what it was like to be a sophomore in high school? The excitement of taking driver's ed, getting your permit, getting all of those hours, getting your license, dating silly boys, giggling about the silly boys, failing geometry, etc....not that I actually did all of those things. But Friday night my high school small group spent the night....and they are sophomores, so we did talk about all of the above. It was ridiculous. I know I am turning into an old woman because I had planned on sleeping in the family room with them all night, but when I wasn't asleep by 3:30 in the morning, I knew I had to give it up. I slept in my bed. Yes, I am old. My reasoning to myself was that I was leading worship the next day and it would be hard on my voice if I didn't get any sleep. But really I was just uncomfortable. I forgot how much it sucks to sleep on the floor.

And then last night at StuCo, while in our small group, I had a total mom moment where I gave them a lecture about their grades. I get so frustrated when my students can't go on a trip or hang out because they have bad grades. That is so lame. So I told them that I did NOT want to hear about that happening ever again. But I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on them. Just because I got good grades doesn't mean that everyone does. Oh, me and my standards....

We also had a new girl check out StuCo and our small group for the first time...and she loved it. It's so encouraging to me when that happens. I know it isn't all about me and that in reality I am just a small part of StuCo, but it was a nice feeling. She wanted to buy a journal and a Bible last night, so I told her I would buy the Bible for her, and she was totally floored. She kept asking me why I would do that, and I told her it was important for her to have one so I wanted to buy it for her. And then I got to show her how to use it with her new journal, how to start the reading plan that my small group is on currently. It was really cool. I am really glad that she came.

Every Sunday night, Breanne, JoniKay, and I have started the routine of going over to Breanne's parents' house to watch Grease: You're the One that I Want. It's a decent show where contestants are competing for the two leads (Danny and Sandy--AKA John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John) in the new Broadway production of Grease. It was refreshing last night because the contestants performed live for the first time, and the judges were so much more positive than the American Idol judges. I am so over the rudeness that comes out of American Idol. The Grease judges have proved that you can give constructive criticism without hurting people's feelings. The only terrible part is the host, Billy Bush. He may be equally as annoying as Ryan Seacrest. We'll see.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

free advertising.

Expect to see a lot of this in the next week or so.
Starting now.

Friday night! We are hosting a concert at Montgomery campus. Come join the fun!

Seventy Two Others will be performing at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $5. Refreshments will be sold. Plus, it's one of our own artists from Montgomery, so if for no other reason, come to support him. Carter and I are so excited that this is actually happening.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

currently reading...

As usual, I have more than one reading project at the moment. This would drive most people crazy, but somehow it works for me. Something about liking books...

I am in a women's small group on Friday mornings, and we just started the book Captivating. I have read it before and was not all that impressed, but sometimes it's more fun to talk through a book with other people, so I am optimistic.

With my high school small group we are reading....the Bible. Currently the book of Matthew. With the goal of finishing it by the end of the month. Lofty, but doable.

My fictional treat lately has been The Time Quartet by Madeleine L'Engle. I read A Wrinkle in Time for a children's lit. class in college, and after doing some searching on Amazon, discovered that she had a whole set of books with the same theme. Currently I am on the third one in the series, and they have been great so far!! As a pseudo-religious author, much of her writing is thematic and is underscored by the ever-present reality of good vs. evil. Plus it's a quick read--great for those of us who have multiple jobs.

I also recently finished Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver. She has turned into one of my all-time favorite authors. Other great books of hers are The Bean Trees and The Poisonwood Bible (probably my favorite book of all time).

My stack of books is slowly growing smaller. Christmas supplied me with a brand-new library, so I am slowly making my way through the stack. I think that's why I feel the need to read multiple books at once.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Yesterday, under the auspices of celebrating Martin Luther King Day, Lucas tricked me into celebrating our six-month anniversary. He's so sneaky. I typically don't keep track of things like "anniversaries"....I usually think they're kind of lame, but apparently at the moment, it's not.

But it was great. :o)

Friday, January 12, 2007

What's Next?---->

We're asking this as a church right now.

Sometimes I feel bad thinking about that.

I have a real problem with living right now, in the moment. I feel like I'm always thinking about what's much so that I miss today. And I know this isn't the intent behind this question. But it makes me think that way.

Living in the present. Should have been a non-resolution-type-resolution for this year.

Oh, and I still haven't made a budget.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

student community...

Tonight was a great night at student community. Because I felt in my small group like we were a community. Sometimes my group can be pretty hit-and-miss--they're sophomores in high school....and they're girls. So sometimes our discussions are a little...shall we But tonight we were relatively focused, and they have just been getting along so well lately, and I'm so excited to see the relationships that they are forming, not only with each other, but also that they are starting to develop significant relationships with God.

So we have made a commitment to do a 30-day experiment, if you will. For a month we are going to go through the StuCo journals together, which includes prayer, Scripture reading, journaling, and prayer...almost daily. The question we are asking as a church right now is what's next? I'm excited that when I asked my girls to think of a next step we could all take together, they suggested the journals (which had been so lovingly pushed by Nick). It may not seem like much, but I think for us it's going to be a big step. I get so excited to see them taking next steps in their faith, and striving to make their relationships with God a real and personal thing.

I don't really remember much from high school. I was a band geek, in mostly AP (advanced placement, believe it or not) classes, youth group junkie, and a "good kid." But I can think of a few people and experiences that helped shape me into who I am right now. At summer camp before my junior year of high school I had an encounter with God that I will never forget....and that made me re-evaluate everything I knew about my faith. I want so much to communicate to these girls just how important and life-changing this kind of relationship can be. And that life is about so much more than high school tells you it is.

Isn't it funny how people can change your life just by caring? In a world overrun by apathy, it's amazing how much simple caring can accomplish. I like knowing that other people are interested in my life. What does it do for them to know that I am interested in their lives?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I have resolved....

...not to make resolutions. I am part of the large majority of Americans who make resolutions and fail to keep them. So I no longer make them. I have discovered that I have a severe lack of willpower and self-discipline, both of which are necessary when trying to keep resolutions.

But here are some things I would like to work on:
-learning to play the guitar...well.
-making myself a budget! (this WILL happen tomorrow. I have decided.)
-actually using the budget....
-not obsessing about things that don't matter.
-making sure the people I care about know that I care about them.

This, I think I can handle.

I have discovered that I live most of my life in the future tense--a bad habit and one I am also trying to kick. Some people can live one day at a time....I live one day ahead. Actually, I like to be a month or two ahead, but that isn't always reliable. And if there's one thing I have learned in twenty-four years, it's that what I plan for isn't always what happens.

There are some things about Springfield (my former life, if you will) that I miss severely. Eating meals with my grandparents. Sitting around with my fam. Bob & Laura. The Neffs. And numerous others.... But I am in a good place right now.

Welcome 2007. Contrary to popular belief, I do not hate you. (That was a little bit of an inside joke.) :o) You hold a lot of possibilities....and I'm trying not to look TOO far ahead.