Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I have resolved....

...not to make resolutions. I am part of the large majority of Americans who make resolutions and fail to keep them. So I no longer make them. I have discovered that I have a severe lack of willpower and self-discipline, both of which are necessary when trying to keep resolutions.

But here are some things I would like to work on:
-learning to play the guitar...well.
-making myself a budget! (this WILL happen tomorrow. I have decided.)
-actually using the budget....
-not obsessing about things that don't matter.
-making sure the people I care about know that I care about them.

This, I think I can handle.

I have discovered that I live most of my life in the future tense--a bad habit and one I am also trying to kick. Some people can live one day at a time....I live one day ahead. Actually, I like to be a month or two ahead, but that isn't always reliable. And if there's one thing I have learned in twenty-four years, it's that what I plan for isn't always what happens.

There are some things about Springfield (my former life, if you will) that I miss severely. Eating meals with my grandparents. Sitting around with my fam. Bob & Laura. The Neffs. And numerous others.... But I am in a good place right now.

Welcome 2007. Contrary to popular belief, I do not hate you. (That was a little bit of an inside joke.) :o) You hold a lot of possibilities....and I'm trying not to look TOO far ahead.

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