Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Random things that happened over the weekend:

1. My cousin and his girlfriend came up to visit. A good start to the weekend.
2. Lucas, Nick, Shawn, and Jake did a live podcast as the opening act for our show on Friday night. A good start to the show.
3. Bastian came on loud and strong...and then my sound board started smoking, not as in cigarettes, as in smoke coming out of the board...it smelled awesome. Not the best way to end the show.
4. I ran the Kingdom 5K in about 26 minutes. Not the greatest time ever, but for the girl who couldn't finish the mile in high school PE, I'm pretty dang proud of myself.
5. I played guitar (again!) this weekend...my fingers were killing me! It's about time that I stop being a wus...I'm working on it.
6. Lucas, Tyler, Joni Kay, and I went to P.F. Chang's for dinner on Saturday. It was my first time. I must say, it was quite a delight. Who knew lettuce wraps could be so incredibly enjoyable?
7. Lots of drama with my high school small group the past few weeks. Drama, drama, drama....
8. I had a high school/college flashback while eating lunch on Sunday at Lucas's....I realized that we were having a cookout and I was the only girl out of the 7 attenders.
9. Lucas and Tyler bought a grill and I helped assemble it last night with them. Sometimes having small fingers comes in handy.
10. I have now watched Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Die Hard 3 is up next....just soon enough that when Die Hard 4 comes out, we're ready to go see it.

This is my life in a nutshell. And my laptop is on the fritz, which sucks.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

it's the little things...

Yesterday I saw a power walker. It was really amusing to me. I don't understand how someone can swing their arms so violently. Power walkers always look like they want to be running, they just can't convince their legs to bridge the gap.

It finally feels like spring might be here!

Baby shower tomorrow night...my roommates have been working hard. I have not. But I did help clean the house yesterday. It was much needed. We're slobs, apparently.

I am slowly but surely turning into a rock star. I played electric guitar at church this weekend. And now I have the bug. It was way fun. I want to do it again. Other than the fact that my fingers KILLED when the weekend was over (actually, before it was over), it was a total blast.

Kingdom 5K this Saturday! Sign up, raise money for Kansas City, and get yourself some good exercise. I'll be there. So you know you want to come.

And oh, when I watch American Idol tonight, Haley won't be there. It will be great.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

a different kind of writing....

April 12th,
barren branches still stretching
eagerly toward the sky
expecting, in return,
the inevitable triumph of life.
caught unaware by the sudden snow,
and mourning their lives
cut short

it’s not supposed to be…
…this soon.

Water, in stray puddles,
catches and holds the waning light,
reflecting shades of silver
into the encroaching night

it’s not supposed to be…
…this hard.

Our hearts break a little
in light of the unending winter…
we’re waiting for spring,
the return of the living,
the breathing and crying,
the bleeding and dying…
the shards of the heart
scatter far, scatter wide
seeking corners and crevices,
places to hide—
the tulips are waiting
to unlock their blooms
to rise from the ashes
of over-filled tombs

it’s not supposed to be…

are the only one left here to blame,
to question, to shout at,
to bury my shame—
at the end of the day, nothing’s finished,

Everything’s changed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

a discovery

Today I confirmed that there is a direct correlation between the weather and my state of mind. It is almost impossible for me to get out of bed when it is cold, cloudy, and raining. It also makes me less motivated and lethargic.

Not to mention that it sucks that it's April 11th and snowing.

Monday, April 9, 2007


It's been really busy this past week, which explains the lack of posts.

So we had Easter. Only the second biggest weekend of the year for those of us in the church business. And it was a great weekend. I couldn't imagine things going any better than they did. It was one of the best services I think we've ever done, so moving, and almost everything went off without a hitch. Not to mention we had packed services. It was so incredible.

Turns out my vitamins have served me well. All three of my roommates and Lucas have been sick this past week, and I have not felt under the weather. I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty excited that I'm still healthy.

And apparently my house is obsessed with The Office. I think it's the most awkward show EVER. A little offensive and extremely awkward. But admittedly funny. "It'll be OK, I just wish people were going to be drunk."

And it snowed today. What??