Thursday, December 4, 2008

a rant

OK, I just need to rant for a few minutes here.

With the Christmas season in full swing, the kids at my school have been discussing their anticipated gifts, and although the majority of my particular group is in grades 2-4, they were almost all talking about getting CELL PHONES for Christmas.

If you can't tell by the capitalization in the previous sentence, I find this ridiculous. Why on earth does an eight-year-old need a CELL PHONE? As if your parent doesn't know where you are and when you need to be elsewhere. As if you do anything when you're eight that requires you to have a cell phone. It makes me sick. These kids have things like iPods and PSPs, and as if that isn't already an excessive amount of expensive technology, they think they need cell phones too.

I'm sure that my thoughts and emotions about parenting will change once I actually become one, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to buy my eight-year-old a cell phone. But who knows what else it will be? In the (approximately) 10-15 years before I actually have an eight-year-old, the world might just go technologically insane.

OK, and now I must remember that these are not my children and I don't have to live with them.

The most ironic part of the title of this post is that my new cell phone is called the Rant.


Erin Elizabeth said...

i totally agree. i honestly dont think you need a cell until you get your license, or if your in sports or drama and you have like away games and need to let parents know when to pick you up and stuff. and you only need one then bc the world is so accustomed to cellphones that you rarely find pay phones anymore.


Unknown said...

Destiny wants a cell phone but I told her if she wasn't responsible enough to keep track of items like her hairbrush I have a hard time thinking of providing her with a much more expensive item. It is now her mission to prove how responsible she is. My favorite is when she hung up her coat after coming in the door yesterday and announcing she was hanging up her coat because she was soooooo responsible.

JediJeff said...

My kids received their cell phones at 12 and 14, and only because they were going off to camp and needed something to help with their safety.

Shelley Christensen said...

Homie please. I got my first cell phone for my 3rd birthday. And look how I turned out!

Kerry said...

I have to laugh being the parent of an 8 , ok 9 year old who has a cell phone - This is because there are very few pay phones in existence any more and Mackenzie spends every other weekend with her dad - who makes it as hard as possible for me to schedule pick up and drop offs - so I can now talk directly to her ! I thought I was insane when we first bought it - but it costs a whole ten dollars a month and has made life soooo much easier!

Keith said...

I got the Great Bambino an iPhone for Christmas - What?