Tuesday, December 18, 2007

i wish....

I wish there was a clear-cut road for life. A nice paved one, with painted lines and exit signs and turn lanes and stoplights. And maybe the occasional dirt road for people who feel adventurous. It would be so helpful.

But I know it doesn't work that way. I just wish it could sometimes. The next year is going to be insane. I guess I'm just trying to gear up for it.


Anonymous said...

I don't wish for such a road.

Who'd be in control of the occasional dirt road?

That would take my choices and my freedom away. And it would also take away the unexpected mysterious conincidences aka miracles.

You want an insane life?

In the past 2 months last night was the first night I slept more than 5 hours. It was a big thing to wake up at 3:30AM instead of 2:30AM.

And the pills that allow me to function gave me Parkinson's 2 years ago. I don't know yet if it will be permanent. And then they started to affect my memory and not allow me to sleep.

And I still go to work because I have to pay the rent and the bills.

And, still, life is good. Most people like me are incapable of holding down a job and haveing their own place to life.

Your health is probably perfect. You have a wedding to plan. It will be insane only if you let it.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more annoying than when someone shares something and someones else say, "you think you've got it bad, well listen to this..." It basically says, "you have no right to feel that way." Which is rude and stupid.

It is only natural for people to crave direction when they are unsure of the future.

But then again, my opinion may not matter because I'm not dying of AIDS in a third world country.

mrs a. said...


Anonymous said...

They said. Your health is probably perfect. You have a wedding to plan. It will be insane only if you let it. Is that rude and stupid?

They said that their life was good. Is that also rude and stupid?

And you're right, we're not dying of AIDs in Afica.

So maybe it's all rude and stupid.

O, BTW-I's still sick 4 months later. At least I can get treatment. Is my gratitude rude and stupid?

Anonymous said...

Charissa, not sure what you thought about the incredibly popular book Blue Like Jazz, but after reading your blog I think you and your readers would enjoy the new book: Brown Like Coffee. It's also for students and I found it at brownlikecoffee.com
I would love for you to read it and critique it for us.

Charissa (Holland) Motley said...

If you're going to have an argument with me and/or my commenters, please don't be anonymous.