Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the in-between phase

I hate the in-between phase. I never have enjoyed it. I have always wanted to move ahead, on to the next thing, get on with it already. But I am in a very long in-between phase at the moment, working on my degree so that I can continue with the trajectory I long ago set out for myself. In the meantime, I work part-time jobs here and there, keeping myself busy with activities, but stuck in this rut all the time of feeling like I'm still waiting for my "real" life to begin. At 26, you'd think I'd have moved past that stage by now. I revert, though, to my last post, knowing that my identity is not in what I DO, but who I am.

Anyway, while sorting through all of this yesterday, I took some time to write. And here's what crawled out of my creatively dormant state.

.the in between.
in between the earth and sky
the reasons why
all disappear…
and asking only cultivates
an attitude of fear
of knowing all the answers
and failing just the same,
of looking through the surfaces
and finding just a game;
in the winter air
the need to care
can slowly wisp away…
a breath of air that dissipates,
the lonely sigh that emanates,
the heated tongue that hibernates
until the spring appears

but in between
we catch the dream,
the falling star,
the fable;
and all the things
that grant us wings
catch up before we’re able
to open wide
before the tide
our hearts, our souls, our hands
and grasp the fleeting vision
cast out upon the sands
waiting to be gathered
by the willing and the meek
granting sparks of purpose
to the ones with time to seek

the in between
appears unseen
and waits to be discovered;
in the waiting and the wanting
lie the opened and uncovered,
where the cracks have broken open
and the truth peeks through the holes
and we see with eyes of hoping
the way back into our souls

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