Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sporadic Birthday Party

So yesterday at our staff meeting Justin announced that they had some "sporadic baptisms" at Shorewood campus last weekend. Sporadic was clearly not the correct word...spontaneous would have probably been a better choice.

So we had a "sporadic birthday party" for Tyler last night. We didn't know it was his birthday until about 8:30 pm, but being the fine hostesses that we are, we pulled together a pretty good birthday...Lucas brought the card and the gift, Joni Kay had already made dinner, and Breanne whipped up a cake. I did a whole lot of nothing, so I cannot take any credit for anything.

There are two songs on the radio right now that I cannot stand. Although I am morally opposed to the lyrics of both of these songs, I find myself singing along when they play on the radio. It is infuriating. I heard the song Lips of an Angel twice in a row on two different radio stations today while driving, and I didn't change it either time, even though the lyrics are about still being in love with an ex while with someone else. The other song that makes me furious is Dirty Little Secret...nothing like telling teenage girls that if a guy tells you to keep it a secret, you should listen.

And now it is sleeting. The first "snowstorm" of the season is upon us...I love how everyone reacts to the first snow fall...schools have already announced cancellations for tomorrow. I think I used to like snow when it meant I didn't have to do anything. Now it is merely an annoyance.

On Grey's Anatomy they just separated 2 adult conjoined twins.
Talk about weird.

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