Friday, May 25, 2007


Thank God for DVR....sometimes. It helps when you remember to set your favorite TV shows to record.

So Wednesday night, we watched the whole 2 hours of the American Idol finale...except for the last 5 minutes where they actually told us who won. Because our DVR cut it off.

And then to my extreme disappointment, we forgot to record LOST. So I had to wait a whole day to see the LOST finale. Which was well worth the wait. It was a brilliant episode. Oh man.

Heroes was a little bit...disappointing. I mean, they built it up to this big moment all season, and didn't happen. Which I guess was good. But still a little anti-climactic. And of course, the villain got away. The villain always gets away.

Oh, and don't even get me started on Grey's Anatomy last week. The fact that they left almost every relationship or possible relationship on the show in the finale?? just plain irritating.

But the good news is that my blog will (hopefully) consist of more than talking about TV for the next few months.

Speaking of finales, we had our recital for School for the Arts last week, and it was madness, I tell you. The thing that I love/hate about recitals is how nervous all my students get. I love it because it's good for them to feel that pressure, but they get nervous and they don't play as well. Almost all of my students played better in their lessons that week than they did at the recital. But nevertheless, I was proud of them all in the end. It was kind of a long semester, and today is our last day of lessons.

I still feel like I deserve a summer break. Anyone else sympathize? I feel like I don't want to do as much work during the summer. I want to be lazy. And go on vacation. Even though I've been out of college for 3 years. Alas, the joys of being an adult....

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