Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the few. the proud. the viewers of LOST.

So let's take a moment to review my current TV habits.
The American Idol Season Finale is next week, so I will have 2 nights of my life back. And I don't know who's going to win. Honestly. It could go any way right now, that's the mystery of it all. What will happen? Who can say?

But it's spring, so everyone is ready to wrap up their seasons. I am also eagerly anticipating the end of Heroes next Monday, because they have promised to answer many of my questions, and we finally get to see who blows up New York City, or doesn't, whatever the case may be. It will all be resolved, and a new conflict will start next season, and I will buy the first season on DVD and watch all of the episodes in a row, back to back to back....maybe not.

But speaking of wrapping things up....the classic show that refuses to wrap things up is once again one of my favorites. That's right, I am part of the few, the proud, the loyal fans of LOST. I never stopped watching, even when the beginning of this season totally sucked and it seemed like the writers didn't have a clue what to do (oh wait, I still think they don't have a clue). They came back with a vengeance after their 2-month hiatus in the winter, and now I can't stop watching. It's like the first season again--the mystery, the questions, the chaos and confusion...LOST is back, people. Start watching again. But they have signed on for another three seasons at least, which means that my questions will not be answered in the coming weeks, months, years...maybe ever. But I keep watching in the hope that eventually...all the stuff that doesn't make sense....maybe, just maybe, it will. Someday.

And as for my own long hiatus from blogging, that can best be explained by the fact that my laptop (my free laptop from the church that was several years old) has died. The hard drive crashed. Which sucks. And my desktop? It won't connect to the internet. So the only computer available at home (which is usually where I do my blogging) is Shelley's laptop, which is in use most of the time due to its being the only working computer in our house...and there are still 4 of us who live there.


Jason said...

It's good to know there are still a proud remnant of us out there. This second part of the season has definitely raised the bar and once again shown the true genius of the show. I can't freakin' wait for tonight's episode!

Unknown said...

I stuck with LOST too and it has been SOOOO GOOD this year. (It does stink to know it will be 3 years though until we have any idea what is going on).