Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Do you ever stop to notice the quirky little things that YOU do that no one else does? Here are a few that I have noticed about myself lately....mainly because they have elicited questionable reactions from people lately:

I am a trash-folder. I have a serious problem with this. I can't crumple my trash....I must fold it before throwing it away.

I am an obsessive gum-chewer. I can't eat anything without chewing gum afterward. I hate the feeling of my teeth being dirty. Even having a beverage other than water makes me have the need for gum. And if I don't have any.....look out.

I can't straighten my legs completely. I have tried, many times, to do stretches and the like, but I cannot flatten my knees. It causes me massive amounts of pain. And mockery from my dance-teacher roommate.

I can't go to bed without washing my face. And often it is my favorite part of the day. Apparently I have commented on this many times, or so my roommate informs me.

I have to shower in the morning. Even if I have taken a shower the night before. I don't feel awake unless I have showered in the morning.

I had a much longer list, but I can't remember them all now. And I don't want to make myself look too freakish and/or insane.

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