Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jesus On Demand

So here's an interesting idea, right? Jesus On Demand, kind of like Comcast On Demand? Wouldn't it be nice sometimes to be able to have that kind of immediate response...just flip on the Jesus switch and get the answers you need?

It seems a little flippant, sure, but I have moments when I just need insta-Jesus. For roommates and I (I guess I should say former roommates) have been having a really hard time talking to our former landlord in an attempt to retrieve our security deposit. I called him last week with every intention of being civil, and not only did he rant at me for a good five minutes without stopping, at the end of the conversation he swore at me and hung up on me.

In this scenario, I need Jesus On Demand to tell me 1) how to contain my anger, 2) how to act toward my landlord, and 3)remind me that he cares about my landlord as a person, even though I don't. But at the time, I didn't know that I needed all those things--I just knew I was mad. This post is several days removed from the incident, so I have had some time to compose myself, but honestly I can't remember ever being so angry in my entire life. How do you be Christ-like in such a scenario?

I don't know the answer. The problem is that I have a tendency to be highly impatient, and it's difficult to wait on God's responses to my cries...because that's what they are for the most part--cries for direction or attention or whatever the case may be. I am also a bad listener. I envy people who have the ability to really listen to God...I hear him mainly when it's the last thing I want to hear because I have been so stubborn that he has no choice but to shout at me. That's the way it goes.

So my Jesus On Demand idea would be incredibly convenient. For me.


Lucas said...

At least you have Kathy on demand. It is less calming than Jesus, but she still handles Biznass.

I personally would like to have Shane and Shane on Demand.


mrs a. said...

i could go for some jesus on demand, just tell me where to sign and what the monthly payment is and i'll be all over that! i could also for some kind of energy drink or mix or something that instantly makes life smooth and easy, do you have any of that?...that would be good :)