Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We all want to change the world...

I'm currently working on the Big Idea discussion guide for our January series called Revolutionaries, and it's stirring up a lot of interesting dust in my brain.

When you hear the word revolutionary, what do you think of? I think of all the famous role models I look up to, whose achievements seem impossibly beyond my reach. I will never be a Mother Teresa, a Rosa Parks, a Martin Luther King...I always hope that eventually I will reach the aspirations I had as a child; I forget (often) that this is when I should be doing that--it slips my mind that I reside in the world of adults now. That seems so surreal sometimes.

As I was writing about revolutionary celebration, I was reminded that although I think that it's the massively life-changing people who revolutionize the world...the small things are just as important. Starting with the little things can revolutionize how I view my relationship with God and how I celebrate His constant presence in my life. Changing the world starts with revolutionizing my own way of celebrating my faith.

I don't know that I will ever be a revolutionary in my own mind, or that anyone will really take notice of my life in the vast scheme of the universe. But I do know that I can celebrate each day, even the really cold, windy, and ugly days of winter that have come upon us...I can celebrate the stray sunbeams that escape the blankets of clouds...I can celebrate the people I love...I can celebrate the wonder of this marvelous season of sparkling promise. Christmas always fills me with hope, despite the brutal weather, the materialism, the's still a beautiful season. so maybe the revolution has already started...


Lucas said...

Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King were well out of their 20's. I think you still have some time.

I don't nessisarily believe that all revolutionaries started as men and women looking for a fight or a cause. I think they simply took the opportunities presented and didn't let them slip by. Then others looked to them to lead them.

Keith said...

Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King were also black - so no you will never be them.

Anonymous said...

He's got a point. You are Mexican.

Tyler said...

Hmm mexican. You'd like my tacos