Friday, February 29, 2008

thoughts on leap years

I pretty much only keep track of leap years by the fact that they coincide with election years.

I think leap year is one of the strangest concepts ever invented.

I also think that the term leap year is a contradiction of itself. In an actual leap year (such as this one) we add a day to the calendar. Every other year we skip that day--we leap over it, if you will--so really this is the real year and the other three are leap years...if you think about it hard enough and agree with my conclusions, which you are under no obligation to do.

I would hate to have my birthday on February 29.

I am glad tomorrow is the beginning of March. I find March to be a more hopeful month than February--I anticipate the weather getting nicer, and even if it doesn't actually deliver for me it is easier to hope in March than it is in February.

I am also glad it didn't occur to Lucas to get married on February 29. It would make it much too easy for him to forget our anniversary.

1 comment:

mrs a. said...

Agreed. I am also more hopeful of the month of March because it hopefully brings spring. But after March is April and that just means we are that much closer to summer.

Basically...after October...I start counting the months until May so it can be warm again.