Friday, December 15, 2006

So the other day...

So the other night I was getting ready for bed, and as I said goodnight to Shelley, I mentioned that I was going to go read a book. To which she sarcastically said, "A whole book?" And I of course said yes.

Turns out....I read half of the book I was starting. I couldn't put it down. And I only stopped because I thought I needed to go to sleep. But my mind was not ready to shut down, so I definitely lay awake for the next hour or so, and since I hadn't really had dinner, my stomach was growling, which caused a major stomach ache in the morning....and I skipped working out altogether because I hadn't slept (due to the book and stomach growling) and because I wanted to eat.

So this could be problematic--reading so much. You would think that by now I would know this...I mean, 4 years of college as an English major should have taught me as much. Books should come with warning labels: may disrupt sleeping and eating patterns, causing all biological functions to be thrown into disarray and confusion. But only the really good ones. Such as The Bright Forever, which I am currently 2/3 finished with. I can't wait to get to the end.


Anonymous said...

You're kind of a nerd. But I still love you.

Alison said...

Dude, I totally agree. I bull-dozed through one book a couple of days ago and last night stayed up too late and read half of a new one. Books are Decieving.