Thursday, March 1, 2007

health...and stuff

Those of you who know me probably wouldn't consider me a health nut. I mean, I'm a reasonably healthy person, but by no means am I a health NUT. I enjoy a good old slab of chocolate as much as the next guy. But I decided that since Lucas has cut back his soda intake for Lent (or indefinitely, we'll see how that goes) and that's a pretty big deal for him, that the least I could do is cut back on my junk food intake for Lent (or indefinitely...we'll see how it goes).

But I realize that "junk food" is a rather broad category, so I've spent the last week trying to decide what classifies as junk food. And notice that I said I'm cutting back, not stopping completely. That is important. So I've decided that mainly it means a lot of desserts (oh no!), most chips, soda (oh wait, I don't drink that anyway), and candy. This has been a good experiment for me so far....I am trying to only have one portion of "junk food" a day. Yesterday I had 2 little chocolate brownies for lunch, and that was it! I was pretty stinking proud of myself.

The one thing I am a nut about is vitamins. For the last year and a half or so I've been on a daily regimen of 2-3 vitamins: I take a daily multivitamin and rotate between a vitamin C supplement and echinacea during the peak of cold/flu season. And I'm proud to say that I have not been sick since the spring of 05. (And that was a bad one, so I'm relieved that I haven't had to relive that!) Seriously, not even a cold in the last almost 2 years. I ran out of my multivitamin about a week ago, and since my mom didn't get me any for Christmas this year (yes, she actually does most years....she's weird like that), I haven't made it out to buy more yet. But I did discover that we have a bottle of prenatal vitamins in our cupboard. Why? I have no idea. But I've been taking them, and so far haven't noticed any significant changes in my mood and/or hormone, I think my skin is clearing up. That may or may not be a direct effect of the vitamins, but I like to think it is. So I may end up sticking with those, unless anyone can point out to me some disadvantages of taking prenatal vitamins when I am not and have no intention of being pregnant any time in the next 5-7 years.

I do wonder why, in a house of 4 single girls, there is a bottle of prenatal vitamins. It is a mystery.


Anonymous said...

The prenatals have very high levels of some things that a non-pregnant woman shouldn't have (iron and some others). In the short term, probably not a big deal but overall probably not a good idea. Weird that it's in your house though! Hmmmm...
I do like your idea of the multi mixed with the others. I might try that!
Good luck on the no-junk diet!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. About those vitamins....

I have something to tell you guys.

J/K. Just kidding, not JoniKay.

Or is it....