Tuesday, March 20, 2007

johnny rockets

So this place Johnny Rockets recently opened by the Showplace 12 on Rt. 59 and 95th Street. Turns out it's a 50's style hamburger and milkshake joint....a little more authentic brand of Steak 'n Shake. (Not that I don't love Steak 'n Shake...)

So we had just left the mall and were driving around aimlessly because the mall closed an hour earlier than we thought it would....and the girls (Krista and Chelsea) mentioned that they were kind of hungry. Our first stop was to Jamba Juice, which was also closed, just like the mall, so then we ventured further toward home and Johnny Rockets.

So we pulled up and this conversation followed:

Krista: Johnny Rockets, that sounds familiar....
Charissa: I think someone told me it was in a movie or a TV show or something.
Krista: Oh yeah, I think it's in Back to the Future!
Charissa: There's no Johnny Rockets in Back to the Future.
Krista: Johnny something....
Charissa: I think you're thinking of when he sings Johnny B. Goode.
Krista: (laughing) Oh yeah! Now I want to hear that song.

So we get to our table and it turns out that there are little mini-jukeboxes at the tables. So Krista got really excited that she could play Johnny B. Goode. There was a slot for a nickel, with a nickel already in it, which added to the excitement....which was soon dampened when the nickel wouldn't actually go into the machine. So in her frustration, Krista pushed the number for Johnny B. Goode about 7 or 8 times. And we moved on with our meals.

Then....it turns out that the waiters do a song and dance number at various points in the day....and they happened to do one while we were there, shortly after the jukebox encounter. So that was exciting. Then when their number ended, we heard the tail end of Johnny B. Goode playing over the speakers. Again, Krista got all excited, but was disappointed that she couldn't hear the whole song.

Turns out the next song was Johnny B. Goode. And the one after that. And I think the one after that too....apparently the nickel is just for show. If you push the button enough times, they'll play your selection....3 times in a row.

I don't think I need to hear Johnny B. Goode for a long time.

And Johnny Rockets was pretty dang good. But not from Back to the Future.


Anonymous said...

I've been there-- I think it's at Cedar Point! Anyway, I can picture that whole conversation with Krista. Silly girl.

Keith said...

Don't you agree that it's a bit much - your roommate is the Airess to the Culver casual dining fortune and now she has her own rockets...

That is crazy talk...

Keith said...

And we saw your Roommate's Rockets on The Hills...

Alison said...

DUDE- Jonny Rockets is in Washington D.C.-I was there five weeks ago. HAHA thats awesome! I loved it when I went. I'm Excited to go when I get back into town!

Anonymous said...

The Johnny Rockets in Hollywood was used as the 'Cafe 80's' in Back to the Future'.