Monday, March 19, 2007

what a weekend!

So....several of my friends from Springfield were up this weekend to participate in our services. It was a blast! There were definitely 7 people crammed into the house, plus the roommates, so I think we set a record for number of people sleeping at Casa de Estrogen. It was so much fun, though.

We started off the weekend by going to bed REALLY late....I mean, my eyes haven't seen the other side of 1 AM for quite sometime, and we went WAY past that....but it was so fun! Two of the girls in the youth group (from my previous church) came up with the band, and they stayed in my room with me, so of course we were up chatting about everything and nothing...I miss them! I start feeling old when former youth group kids hit big graduating from high school, going to college, getting married, etc.

Our services rocked the universe this weekend. I think Sunday's 11:00 service may have been one of my all-time favorites...and to think, this was on a weekend where we talked about sex in the message. The music was great, the message was great, the service was PACKED, and we baptized 4 people. It was awesome to have all that God-energy filling up the room. You could just feel it in the air.

The girls and I tried out a new restaurant that has opened near my house....Johnny Rockets. This deserves its own blog entry, so I'll save that for tomorrow. If you haven't heard of it or experienced it, I recommend it. You'll have a good time. Try the jukebox at your table. :o)

And today, it FINALLY felt like spring. And I hope it's going to stay that way. The weather has a direct correlation with my frame of mind and my mood, so everyone else should pray for great weather also. It makes the world a happier place.

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